877-7BIGSUR | Support

Hi All,

In this article I will explain the “Delivery Notification” email you may receive from the postmaster. Short version – You can ignore it as its an FYI email. Chances are its just junk.

What you see by the above is that we have a policy that says “For Attachment, if the email is denied for any reason (Virus, Malware, Program Launcher, Etc.), email the recipient”. So lets say someone (or something) tries to send you a virus. Spamsoap’s Postmaster will send you an email telling you its being blocked. We have the notification turned ON in the event you are waiting for an important file, this way you know why you are not getting it.

Common Computer Malware gets sent as to you as a fax,Voice mail, Payroll Data, Scanned Document, or an Office Document, that really is a virus or malware. This is how we block it for you. We enabled this reporting in 2013.

Below is a good example of us telling you we blocked something. As you can see the postmaster let you know that a policy violation occurred. There really is no reason for anyone to email you an .exe – this one in particular was a virus payload distribution program. We deny .exe’s and other harmful file types as a part of your spamsoap service.

2015-02-04 13_25_39-RE_ Delivery Notification - Mail Out Report Attached - Message (Plain Text)

2015-02-04 13_18_26-Control Console_ Policies