Get Fast, Reliable Backups and Disaster Recovery for Windows Desktops and Laptops
Big Sur Managed StorageCraft Desktop Backup (Local Only) $10.00/Month
StorageCraft® ShadowProtect® Desktop software provides fast, reliable backups and disaster recovery as well as data protection for Windows workstations. Regardless of whether a business is a large enterprise, a small firm, or somewhere in between, protecting employees’ personal computers is critical. If you oversee IT infrastructure at a business or offer IT services to clients, ShadowProtect Desktop software can help you recover data and get laptops and desktops running again when disaster strikes.
ShadowProtect Desktop is one part of the StorageCraft Recover-Ability™ solution. This solution provides you with the products and services necessary to recover your Windows IT environment anytime and anywhere, and from any disaster, great or small.
ShadowProtect Desktop software creates sector-level backup images of a disk drive. A sector-level backup image is a point-in-time representation of a disk drive and therefore includes not just data but also the operating system, applications, services, and configuration settings. Because your backup image contains everything on a given laptop or desktop, when you need to recover its entire hard drive, you can do so in minutes rather than hours or days.
Include desktops and laptops in your disaster recovery planning
These days, so much business-critical data gets saved on personal computers that losing them to malware, viruses, physical damage, or theft can be catastrophic for your business—that critical data disappears, and worker productivity takes a severe hit. Thus, protecting laptops and desktops is crucial to business operations.
Many businesses and organizations now prioritize having a backup and disaster recovery plan for their laptop and desktop computers. ShadowProtect Desktop is an integral part of any such plan—it doesn’t just provide full backups of computer drives, it also features flexible recovery options that enable workers to get up and running fast after a disaster.
When data loss or system failure occurs, ShadowProtect lets you:
- Access individual data files and folders in seconds
- Restore to the same or different machine in a matter of minutes
- Boot a backup image as a virtual machine for a quick, temporary fix
And to ensure workers never lose more than a few minutes’ worth of data, you can schedule ShadowProtect Desktop software to continually take incremental backup images (these images record just the changes since the last backup image). ShadowProtect works in the background while the computer is running—users won’t even notice backups occurring.
Vital protection of your Windows workstations
Common scenarios for which businesses use ShadowProtect Desktop:
- Recovering data such as files and folders
- Performing bare metal recovery after a computer dies or is stolen
- Restoring to the same hardware after malware or a virus causes a crash
- Migrating to new Windows desktops or laptops
- Testing new applications prior to introducing them into your production environment
- Testing your business’s disaster recovery plan
Features and benefits of ShadowProtect Desktop

The Backup Wizard enables you to:
- Capture everything—systems, applications, configuration settings, services, data—from your desktop or laptop
- Encrypt backup image jobs to securely protect data
- Save backups to any disk device (such as removable, local, and network drives) or any optical media (CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Ray discs)
- Back up a non-bootable system before attempting a restore operation (using StorageCraft Recovery Environment)

The Backup Wizard also lets you:
- Execute a one-time full backup that you can archive
- Schedule backups to occur automatically
- Schedule incremental backups to run as often as every 15 minutes
- Set up subsequent full backups to be differential to save on storage space
- Manage the retention of backup images

Remote Management
Management view and client/agent options enable you to:
- Install the ShadowProtect agent on a desktop without having to visit the machine
- Remotely manage ShadowProtect Desktop nodes
- Choose to receive notification when desktop backup jobs succeed or fail

With the Verify Image tool, StorageCraft ImageReady™ technology, and StorageCraft VirtualBoot™ technology, you can:
- Verify backup images to ensure they’re in a known good state for fast and reliable recovery
- Automatically run Chkdsk or other scripts on mounted volumes to determine data and application integrity
- Mount an Exchange Server backup (including system, data, and log volumes) to test the .EDB files and verify they’re intact or run cleanup if they’re in a dirty shutdown state
- Boot a backup image to a virtual machine to test whether a restored system would function properly

Image Management
With the Image Conversion Tool, you can:
- Consolidate files (full backup plus incrementals) into a single new backup image for archiving
- Split a backup image file into smaller files (a spanned set) for backup on DVD or Blu-Ray
- Convert backup image files to a virtual disk in either .VHD (Hyper-V-compatible) or .VMDK (VMware-compatible) format for restoration or migration to a VM
- Set a consolidated or converted backup file’s compression setting or encryption

The Restore Wizard, Explore Backup Wizard, StorageCraft VirtualBoot™ technology, and StorageCraft Hardware Independent Restore™ technology let you:
- Perform a bare metal restore in minutes
- Restore a system to the same or different hardware or to virtual environments
- Mount a backup image quickly and browse it in order to recover a file or folder
- Quickly restore access to a database server by mounting a point-in-time backup image
- Rapidly boot a backup image as a virtual machine (temporary system failover)

The Backup Wizard, Restore Wizard, Image Conversion Tool, and StorageCraft Hardware Independent Restore™ technology allows you to:
- Migrate a backup image to a new physical machine
- Migrate a backup image of a physical machine to a virtual environment
Technical Specifications
Requirements and supported environments
For a list of supported operating systems, see matrix below.
For a complete list of requirements, supported environments, and limitations, see our ShadowProtect User Guide: requirements page
and the Readme document.